I love the fall, and the changes that occur to brook and brown trout. Their colors deepen, their jaws often become hooked, and their aggression triples! My dad and I had the chance this week to fish a lake that I grew up fishing. The lake is small, and the fish are too, but they make up for size by their colorful appearance.

Earlier in the morning we fished a lake located 12 miles east of the lake with the brightly colored fish. The lower lake is larger, but much less fertile. Consequently, the fish caught there always appear to have just hit the water from the hatchery truck. Most, if not all, are stocked rainbows, but many have been there for years. I failed to mention that the upper lake with the pretty brookies also has rainbows that are stocked regularly. Due to the abundance and quality of food, these rainbows quickly become deep in color and outshine the fish in the lower lake. It makes me want to stay far away from McDonalds, Taco Bell, and all other fast foods. And maybe, just maybe, my mom was right about fruits, veggies, and so called "healthy" foods. Surely the quality of food really does make a difference in us too.