After Christmas and New Years have passed, while the skies are gray, the flies are being tied, and few fish are being caught, many people settle in for the rest of the cold, gloomy winter by simply enduring what seems like a never-ending torturous cold spell. I on the other hand, become restless at about this same time every season. I begin to look forward to spring fishing the same way a five year old looks forward to Christmas during the final week before it's arrival as it inches closer and closer. This is the time of year when large magnificent monsters awake from their wintery hiding places to eat teeny, tiny, itty-bitty flies. Its great!

Kohler with one of his first browns of the year.
Provo River in January.
Early season Provo River brown.

Fatty! He had been eating sow bugs all winter, guaranteed!

Kohler with another nice Provo River brown.

I love fishing in the snow!
Its the middle of January now, and I can't help but think of the wonderful days that will soon start another magnificent year of fishing. I haven't stopped fishing during the winter, but I have slowed down about as much as the fish have: I only go out when my starvation (for fishing) drives me to brave the cold current to try and capture my prey that will somehow give me new life to help me endure until spring. Spring starts for me much earlier for me than for other people. By the middle of February there are enough 40 degree days popping up on the five-day forecast that push me out the house door and into the river. I can hardly wait!